Murray Hamer


Murray Hamer is an experienced lawyer practicing in the areas of deceased estates, estate planning, elder law, conveyancing and property law.

After high school Murray completed a Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Management) at UTS and worked in travel and hospitality. Following this, he enrolled in the Legal Practitioner’s Board, Diploma of Law course, which he completed whilst working full time for large CBD firms as a paralegal in the areas of insurance litigation and debt recovery. Murray has also completed a Masters of Applied Law (Family Law).

Murray was admitted as a solicitor in 2003 and in that same year joined Hamer & Hamer Balgowlah. Since that time, Murray has developed a varied and extensive general practice acting for both private and commercial clients and not for profit and charity organisations. Murray became principal of Hamer & Hamer Balgowlah in 2014.


Areas of expertise

Deceased Estates

As our firm was established in 1974, we have a significant deceased estates practice. Due to the experience of our team we are able to provide clients with accurate cost estimates, obtain the required grant and administer the estate cost effectively and efficiently. There have also been numerous matters on which Murray has advised executors through disputes between executors or with beneficiaries.

Murray also has extensive experience in acting for beneficiaries in situations where the executors are not acting appropriately or are not carrying out their role as executor expeditiously.

Murray’s approach to matters which become contentious is to draw on his experience in general practice to advise the executors and his clients as to legal and practical solutions to the issues arising and provide the executors and his clients with options to resolve the issue in a cost effective manner without the need for litigation.

Estate Planning

Murray advises clients in relation to preparation and updating of their Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian and acts for a range of clients from high net worth clients to young clients who are having their first will prepared. Murray is able to offer clients a range of options suitable to their circumstances ranging from simple wills through to wills which include detailed testamentary trusts, rights of residence, special disability trusts, protective trusts and other options which may be required in estate planning.

Our firm has streamlined processes to obtain relevant information from clients, provide an accurate estimate of costs, prepare documents and have the documents signed by the clients and their appointees.

Elder Law

Are you or a relative or friend considering moving to residential aged care such as a retirement village or nursing home? Are you appointed as an attorney or guardian for a relative or friend and require advice in relation to your duties as attorney or guardian? Do you have an elderly relative or friend who you are concerned may be the victim of elder abuse? There are a range of legal issues which arise for elderly people and their family members. Murray is able to advise clients in relation to most legal issues which elderly people need to deal with and does so in a kind, empathetic and respectful manner.

Conveyancing and Property Law

Murray has extensive experience in conveyancing and property law transactions for properties ranging across residential torrens title properties, strata title units, commercial and rural properties and property acquisitions for not for profit organisations, charities and schools. Murray works closely with our team of professionals to ensure our clients are provided with comprehensive advice, prompt and friendly communications and accurate information to ensure our clients are ready for settlement.


Outside of work Murray enjoys surfing, time with his family (and his golden retriever) and travel. Murray is involved with various committees and enjoys supporting local sporting associations and charities through sponsorship and fundraising.